Krauter is the partner fortransformers from 50 to 8.000 kVA. The transformers are produced according to standard ISO 9001:2008 / ISO 14001:2004 / OHSAS 18001:2007. The transformers are made according to IEC 60076 or EN 50588-1 (Commission Regulation (EU) No 548/2014) and eco-design according to 2009 / 125 / EC.
Standard transformers (up to 1600 kVA 0.4 / 10 or 20 KV) are available either immediately from stock or within two weeks.
Oil distribution transform ers with rated power up to 8000kVA and voltages up to 36kV:
Standard transform ers with tap changer (in de-energized condition), standard transformers with on-load tap changer, transformers with reduced electro-magnetic radiation, transformers with amorphous core.
Dry transform ers with rated power up to 5000kVA and voltages up to 24kV
Special transformers: earthing transformers, rectifier transformers, transformers for mobile applications (locomotives, EMU's), transformers for arc furnaces, vibration resistant transformers,
narrow widthtransformers for wind turbine applications, offshore transformers, autotransformers, reactors for metal producing industries, rectifier systems, as well as short-circuit and earth fault current limiters
Service and repairs of transformers and coils
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