Diesel gensets from Krauter are the perfect solution for your power requirements from 2 -2,800 kVA. For over 60 years we have been manufacturing diesel generators for maximum performance.
Customers all over the world rely on Krauter power generators to provide reliable power for a wide range of applications. These include, for example, the health sector, computer centres and airports, industrial plants or power stations. Our product range includes various diesel generators up to a power of 2,400 kWe.
Krauter manufactures gensets powered by petrol, diesel, gas or regenerative fuels. Krauter also focuses on drive solutions for resource-saving, environmentally friendly generation of energy (electricity and heat) as combined heat and power plants (CHP) based on fuel oil, rapeseed oil, natural gas, biogas or sewage gas.
The core competence lies in the production of complete decentralized energy technology as aggregates for emergency power, base load and peak load.
From 5 to 2,800 kVA: Krauter is the manufacturer of POWER PACK®power supply systems. These not only meet the requirements of today - they are designed for the power supply of the future.
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